Investment Management is the process of constructing investment portfolios, based on multiple factors such as client needs & objectives, risk tolerance, and capital market expectations. These factors must be monitored continuously over time for any changes which may impact portfolio strategies moving forward.
Formulating an investment strategy to help you meet your financial goals enables you to stay on track during times when market volatility can drive emotions, often resulting in poor short-term decisions regarding your portfolio. We believe in the role of active management due to existing inefficiencies created by marker emotions and overwhelming “noise” associated with the media/internet. It is the inefficiencies that create the opportunities we seek in the management of investment portfolios.
Investment Advisory Services are offered solely by Ellis Investment Partners, LLC a Registered Investment Adviser, 920 Cassatt Rd., 200 Berwyn Park Suite 115, Berwyn, PA 19312, (484) 320-6300. Valley Forge Consulting Group, Inc. and Ellis Investment Partners, LLC are not affiliated.
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